Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Today we honor all of those who put their own precious selves between their beloved home and wars desolation. They fight, and die, to preserve your freedom. If you see a Vet today, shake their hand and tell them, "Thank You." You might buy even them a beer or two. Happy Veterans Day!!!
Happy Veterans Day to all who have served our great nation. Thank you for your courage, your service, and dedication. Thank you for our freedom.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Don't let the door hit you on your way out! You piece of slime.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Inquiring Minds Want To Know
President Bush has been out of office for almost a year, and he's still getting blamed for hurricanes, earthquakes, car name it.
Here's the latest: It's President Bush's fault Chicago was not selected to host the 2016 Olympics.
Yeah, you read that right. Liberals are whuppin' out the 'ol BBS Card. Just when you thought they couldn't be more stupid, they pull this one.
The reasoning is, President Bush was so evil and did such bad things and got the world to hate us so much...this is payback.
If these people weren't so pathetic they'd be funny. Their answer for almost anything is "Blame Bush" and they run around in circles, flailing their arms, screaming at cars going by on the freeway.
Never mind that obama got up in front of the world and made a fool out of himself at the Olympic conference, and that a-hole Oprah didn't help things none.
Nah, it couldn't be anything but President Bush. And Dick Cheney, hey lets blame Halliburton also.
They will find any way to twist the facts so that it will suit their hatred and blame for Bush. They are losers, and when losers are cornered, they get vicious. It is getting rather tiring isn't it? Almost as old and tired as the race card they play. I suppose it's easier to blame than to look in the mirror.
But here's something Liberals will absolutely not tell remind us about, much less mention. (Scroll down to the heading "Outlook")
Chicago was selected to be one of four finalists in 2008...when President Bush was in office.
Now I ask you, rhetorically of course, if the world hated President Bush so much, why was a city in the United States, that's hated by the world so much, selected to be one of FOUR finalists? Aren't there cities elsewhere in the world that the world does not hate?
Sure there are, and therefore Liberals have been slam dunked and exposed as the retards they are.
Of course, they blame Bush, because they are adamant about rejecting responsibility for their own policies and actions-plain, and simple. They just keep digging their hole deeper and deeper. Soon they will find themselves at the bottom with no way out but to cry for help from their opposition.
I say we grab some shovels and fill in the hole with them in it!
Yeah, Obama now says that he inherited a Trillion dollar deficit which is ridiculous. It did not get to a trillion until after he took office. He is not even a good liar anymore.
His sheepies will continue to believe his lies. But one thing good is that some of the Blue Dog Dems are going against him now......That is because they know it is political suicide to follower the leader Barry O.
It upsets me is that he wants to throw our Seniors under the bus, just like he threw his poor grandmother. People over 73 will not be given life saving and life comforting procedures. But what the hell, who need them!
Mark Levin's Speech at the House Rally
First of all, I want to thank you all for coming out here. Many of you travelled from all over the country at great expense. And we thank you.
By the way, to the press here -- this is what this is about. Write this down: liberty. Just wanted you all to know.
Now you see this building here? You own that building!
The people who are in the building today? They reject limited constitutional government. They have spent trillions and trillions of dollars that do not belong to them. They have bankrupted our children. They have driven unemployment to nearly 10 percent. They are destroying small businesses. They are nationalizing large businesses. They don’t believe in private property rights. They’re taking a wrecking ball to this magnificent society. And that’s the first nine months.
Now I know they haven’t read that bill, because I know they can’t write in the first place.
Not you (points to Republican House members in attendance). I mean them.
Now they have their sights on the mother of all entitlements. They want to control you, they want to control your children, your parents, your doctor, your nurse -- you in the press, you getting all this down? This is brilliant stuff.
These are patriot citizens out here and I’m tired of them being smeared, to be perfectly honest with you.
And we’re not going anywhere.
Now they want to control health care. They want to control what kind of insurance you can purchase. They want to control if you can purchase insurance. They want to decide what benefits you can and cannot have. They want to decide how much you’re going to have to pay.
And they want to ration care. And the bottom line is they want to play God and decide who lives and who dies.
That’s pretty scary. And for them when they’re asked if they have authority under the Constitution they laugh. To hell with the Constitution they say. To hell with individual liberty and private property; to hell with people who want nothing to do with this, which is most of us. But not so fast. We’re not ready for this.
I was waiting to see Nancy with her quivering boo-boo lip like she did after the 9/12 rally, saying how scary we all are and how it reminds her of the anti-gay protests in LA in the 70's. THIS should have scared her -- with each visit to DC, we are getting closer and closer to grabbing them by their collective throats and screaming at them that they WILL listen to THE PEOPLE or they WILL be run out of there at the ends of pitchforks and torches. THEY don't run this show.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
What did Team Obama expect?
Global warming is a big hoax propagated by the communist al gore. it was hotter when i was a kid. hey stupid you think that in 100 years you can determine the true weather patterns. everywhere al gore goes a blizzard is sure to follow...Mary had a little lamb. What have we done to our beloved country? I can't believe the complete contempt his man has for his country. What can we do now, 3 ½ yrs is a Long time. I keep hearing blue/red pill in my head. My God how I dislike Obama
Carbon dioxide which barac made illegal is used by plants through photosynthesis to produce all of the earths oxygen. with carbon dioxide stupid we all die.
Economy democrats can't steal enough from workers and give to lazy ases.
What goes up must eventually come down. Democrats riding the Obama train must be worried about the upcoming 2010 elections. They are right to be afraid, connected to a man who resents the basic foundation of this country, who feels it is his duty to apologize to our enemies and terrorist supporting nations around the world, while destroying our credibility with our allies and democracies around the world.
The poll numbers are just going to keep getting worse until Obama and his cronies admit they were wrong and to amend for their failed experiments.
American's doctors don't want a government affirmative action incompetent having say in their personal doctor/patient relation ship, and finally if it's a democrats blue dog/lap dog, or liberal koolaide drinkers they will be all thrown out of office in 2010. so have your fun now you brazen buffoons. The Obama campaign was one of the most dishonest and fraudulent in modern history - and it worked, thanks to the 100% cooperation from the hyper-liberal mainstream media. The now-shrinking support for Obama was entirely based on these lies and half truths. They hid his far-left agenda from Americans in order to win votes, under the delusion that once he was in office and the towel dropped, support for him would continue unabated.
This was a huge political mistake. Most Americans are not left wing, the vast majority of them identify as either conservative or centrist. What did Team Obama expect from the polls after his far-left plans were exposed? It doesn't matter how much the media is in the tank for him now - the cat's out of the bag and there's no going back. If the Democrats press ahead with this socialist agenda they'll screw things up for themselves to the point where they won't get themselves reelected for another 50 years.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Biggest Deficit Since 1945
Rev Al throws the racist card at Rush Limbagh
The real kicker in this brouhaha over Limbaugh’s purported effort to become an NFL owner is the uproariously funny spectacle of NFL owners and players solemnly opining on Limbaugh’s supposed divisive words and bad behavior.
When did the NFL become the gold standard of tolerance and diversity? And since when did the NFL Players Association and its nearly 200 members who have been charged with felonies in the last decade become the arbiter of moral wholesomeness?
The National Football League was the last major professional sports organization to hire a black coach. Art Shell was hired in 1988 to coach the Oakland Raiders. It took them 4 years to hire a second - Dennis Green of the Vikings. All told, there have been 10 African American coaches in the entire history of the league. That compares to 49 black coaches in NBA history and 22 in Major League baseball.
And these guys are worried about Limbaugh?
The NBA and pro baseball had programs in place to seek out minority hires in management about a decade before the NFL even broke the color barrier. It took the league another decade to reluctantly adopt a policy to promote minorities on the field. It was ordered that any head coaching vacancy would require at least one minority candidate to be interviewed. Predictably, there were loud complaints that the whole policy was a dog and pony show because the number of black head coaches never increased.
It was left to individual do gooders - Bill Walsh was prominent in the movement to increase minority hires - to take it upon themselves to do something about this embarrassingly shameful situation. With no help from the owners, black assistant coaches began to slowly fill the ranks of NFL teams and got their shots at the big chair.
So when NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell can actually face the cameras with a straight face and say something like this, my hypocrisy meter starts going Off the Scale!
Why should owners be any different than players like those thugs Michael Vick, Michael Irvin, Dante Stallworth, and that other idiot Plaxico Burress.
I don't think that America has ever based a citizen's freedoms on their beliefs. We have a constitution that guarantees otherwise. Yes, the team owners are a tight-knit group, but would they really deny Rush's attempt to buy a franchise? Can they legally? I don't know the answer to that.
Personally, I think Al Gore is using man-made global warming as a scam to make himself, and others, rich. And I believe Michael Moore is a sharp film maker who has found a target audience in those who can't think critically. Would I protest if they wished to spend their fortunes on a sports franchise? Simply, no. Even though I disagree with their beliefs.
In fact, what would the reaction be if Al Sharpton wanted to buy the Rams? What a bunch of hypocritical pansies the NFL idiots are! Screw you Al Sharpton! Sharpton is 10 times more racist than Rush Limbaugh! Why is everything about race from the left?
Monday, October 12, 2009
It has been opined elsewhere that Alinsky left him no guidelines for what to do with The Power after he got it. So he is doomed to be a Community Organizer, trying to stir up dissatisfaction, perennially campaigning, but with no real plan. (That's why he needed those "300 advisers" we wondered about.)
The most fun for Himself and Madam Queen are the perqs - Air Force One at their beck and call, pie on request no matter the hour, cameras popping, "celebrities" genuflecting. But always lurking is the work of governing. And some very knotty problems facing our country, which of course are sitting on his desk where the buck is supposed to stop.
So he jets around, tries on different personas - from Nodrama to the hectoring professor - to the preacher - to the passive Present guy - to the apologist - to (lately) the Angry, Forceful Guy.
He may own his suits but he hasn't a clue about the lost guy puts them on every morning
Friday, October 9, 2009
What Goes Around, Comes Around.
And that also means you leftist media morons like Chris Matthews. Every time I hear Chris Matthews get all up tight, it sends a thrill up my leg! This is hate speech and it is Un-American! It sounds like something coming from the Third Reich!
His time will come also. The new boys in town are Glenn Beck and company.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize
This award shows that the intellectual integrity of the Nobel committee has been seriously compromised.
Even Obama himself, in an uncharacteristic expression of humility, said he hasn’t done anything to deserve it. For once, I am in complete agreement with the president this time.. They have become a joke - a banal parody of a once great and prestigious organization. Once more, a golden idol has been shown to have feet of clay. The idea that Barack Obama woke up this morning and was “surprised” by the announcement that he had won the prize is perhaps the biggest lie that has ever been told.
Let’s make no mistake about it: this award is a Quid Pro Quo. Obama should, if he had any conscience whatsoever, award the Prize to America’s men and women fighting and dying in Iraq and Afghanistan. And those brave people are going to suffer because of it.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Abuse of words heard in the Obama Administration.
Has the White House become a soap opera or a late night TV show?
Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.
John Adams